Basic English
1. English letters A-Z
2. Number and ordinal number
3. Article A, An, The
English Grammar
1. Singular / Plural Noun
2. Pronoun (+ Possessive Adjective / Object pronoun / possessive pronoun)
3. Adjective
4. Preposition
5. V. to be
6. กริยาแสดงการกระทำ action verb
7. Present Simple Tense
8. Present Continuous Tense
9. Past Simple Tense
1. Questions words
2. Request : Can I / May I / Please
3. What day is today/ What time is it / What is the weather like / What is your favorite….
1. School
2. Place
3. Career
4. My family
5. My home
6. Food & drink
7. Fruit & vegetables
8. Sport
9. Emotion
10. Shape & size
11. แบบฝึกหัด vocabulary
Final Test 50 ข้อ พร้อมเฉลย 2 ชุด